Photography Fundamentals – Starting January 2022

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$295.00 $

All workshops will be streamed live

What are those buttons and dials used for on my camera? Got questions? Photography Fundamentals has answers! This six week workshop will guide you on the basic operation of your camera; how to establish the correct exposure; how to improve the composition of your photos; and we will provide an introduction to software and managing your images.


Are your pictures looking too blurry, too dark, too light, or too blah? Do some of your photos look really great, but lots don’t?

Photography Fundamentals has answers! This six week workshop will guide you on:

  • The basic operation of your camera. Which settings are important and why.
  • Exposure, which shutter speed, aperture and ISO settings to use for optimum results.
  • DAM – Digital Asset Management, an introduction to managing your picture files and an introduction to various apps available to edit your images.
  • Without light our pictures would be black! The session “Light, Colour and Black & White” will introduce you to light (natural and flash), how light effects colour and classic black & white.
  • We’ll also get creative with image composition.

If you would like to start developing your skills and improving your photography, then register now!

Six Sessions:

January 15th, 2022 – February 19, 2022

Saturdays, 10:30 a.m. up-to 12:oo p.m.

Location: Virtual! This workshop will be streamed via GoToMeeting.


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